Maritime Asian and Pacific StudiesNational Museum of Ethnology

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第3回 海域文化史研究会 / 3rd Maritime Cultural History Meeting

第3回 海域文化史研究会 / 3rd Maritime Cultural History Meeting


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MAPS民博拠点主催の第3回 海域文化史研究会のお知らせです。


We are pleased to announce a 3rd Maritime Cultural History Meeting hosted by the MAPS National Museum of Ethnology. The event will be held in a highly flexible format, using both the Minpaku venue and a web conferencing system (Zoom). Please register using the link below by 1th December if you wish to attend.

海域アジア・オセアニア研究(MAPS)第3回 海域文化史研究会(Hybrid)
場所:国立民族学博物館2階 第6セミナー室 & ズームオンライン


3rd Maritime Cultural History Meeting(Hybrid)
Date: 2nd December 2024 / Conference Room 6, National Museum of Ethnology (3rd floor), Osaka, Japan & Zoom Online
Time: 14:00-16:00


講演者 / Speaker

Speaker1:I Made Geria
(Research Centre for Environmental Archaeology, Maritime Archaeology and Cultural Sustainability, National Research and Innovation Agency)

Revering Nature as The Foundation of Traditional Balinese Architecture


Speaker2:Nyoman Arisanti
(Research Centre for Environmental Archaeology, Maritime Archaeology and Cultural Sustainability, National Research and Innovation Agency)

Vernacular Architecture in Tenganan Pegringsingan Village: Problems, Challenges, and Strategies for Sustainability



主催 / Organizer

海域アジア・オセアニア研究 国立民族学博物館拠点 / Maritime Asian and Pacific Studies (At The National Museum of Ethnology)

  • 人間文化研究機構
  • 国立民族学博物館
  • グローバル地域研究プログラム
  • グローバル地中海地域研究
  • 環インド洋地域研究
  • 東ユーラシア研究プロジェクト