第3回 海域文化史研究会 / 3rd Maritime Cultural History Meeting(実施報告/report)
第3回 海域文化史研究会 / 3rd Maritime Cultural History Meeting(実施報告/report)

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インドネシアからI Made Geria博士とNyoman Arisanti博士を招聘し、バリ島の伝統的家屋や村落構造についてご発表いただきました。会場で7名、オンラインで13名が参加しました。
The 2nd meeting of the Maritime Cultural History Study Group (hosted by the National Museum of Ethnology, MAPS Minpaku Base) was held at the National Museum of Ethnology on 2 December.
Dr I Made Geria and Dr Nyoman Arisanti from Indonesia were invited to give a presentation on traditional houses and village structures in Bali. Seven participants attended in person and 13 online.
During the Q&A session, participants were able to exchange views on the comparison with houses and villages in Okinawa and how they should be preserved as cultural heritage.